For the Times They Are a-Changin’

16 03 2011

Last Friday, I celebrated my one year anniversary on the east coast by going to…drum roll, please…Costco (queue in the cymbals crashing now).  Yes, one year ago, we went from being newlywed Angelenos still living it up in LA to Connecticut suburbanites with a baby.  It’s crazy how time flies.  As Bob Dylan could attest, this truly is a testament to how life is ever-changing. 

As a little look back on the funny changes in my life, thought I’d list a few things that have transformed our lives.  I’m sure I’ll remember more as I go through everyday life, but here it goes off the top of my head:  YOU KNOW YOU’RE A NEWBIE PARENT WHEN…

  • You publicly sing/hum songs from your baby’s activity sets, videos and CD’s  instead of the new Gaga tune on the radio
  • You find baby’s socks and toys everywhere and anywhere – in your bed, wedged in between couch cushions, in your jacket pocket, etc.
  • You find poop/milk/drool stains everywhere and anywhere – on your bed, on couches, on baby’s clothes, on your clothes, etc.
  • You have a new system for keeping the house tidy; it’s called “no system”
  • Your once sleek and modern-designed home now looks like a giant toy trap
  • You do laundry 3x/week…all baby clothes.  Who gives a crap what you’re wearing these days…which leads me to:
  • You live in paja-suits (pajama/track suits) and sneakers instead of your former designer wardrobe and heels
  • In your forgetful state, you walk out in public with your nursing and/or burp cloth around your neck and try to pass it off as the latest Fall fashion “pashmina” trend
  • Your make-up has expired and/or run dry from non-use
  • You list out items to buy at a grocery store instead of listing out the next steps for a campaign strategy at work
  • Your pantry is stocked with easy-to-fix meals (e.g., Shake ‘N Bake, Campbell’s Soup cans, etc.) and snacks you can easily shove down your mouth
  • Your baby-talk is getting better every day but your adult-talk is non-existent
  • Your social calendar is now booked up with playdates and mom groups rather than parties and dinners
  • The lady at the Costco register remembers you by name because you’re constantly at the store buying diapers and wipes
  • Your baby’s poop has made you immune to any bad smells out there (i.e., dog doodoo ain’t got nothin’ on Kensi’s blowouts)
  • You cheer on your baby when he/she does everything you’d be shamed for: farting, pooping, burping and spitting up
  • You wash your baby more than yourself
  • You’ve transitioned from reading “Marie Claire” and “Lucky” magazines to “Parenting” and “Parents” magazines
  • Through parenting website forums and mom chat rooms, you befriend perfect (online) strangers
  • Your roster of bedside books includes research on the different styles of parenting and sleep training methods rather than the novels you used to enjoy
  • Your idea of lingerie is a moomoo with nursing snaps
  • Your favorite lubricant is now the Johnson’s Baby Bedtime Cream
  • The only bum you’re touching these days is your baby’s (sorry, hubs!)

These are a few of my favorite things…

12 09 2010

It occurs to me that a lot has happened since I started this blog, and I wanted to take a moment to capture/update a few of my favorite things…all, a reflection of how the times are a changing for us!  As I sit watching this Pats game with the Hubs by my side, I’ll start this list with something related to him (keep in mind this list is in no particular order nor categorized  nor…really…anything):

1) XL Men’s TeesBabyCenter tells me that I should be the size of a watermelon right now, but I’ve measured myself and my buddha belly is definitely bigger than a watermelon.  Perhaps a more fitting description would be a watermelon on steroids?  That said, I don’t seem to fit in anything anymore and refuse to buy maternity clothes, so I’ve resorted to rummaging through the Hub’s dresser where I find many extra soft and extra large tees that can accommodate my large-and-in-charge tummy. 

Costco = 'Burb's Best Friend

2) HomeGoods – Moving into a new home allowed us to channel the inner-designer in us and decorate our “Home Sweet Home.”  The HomeGoods in Stamford, has been one of our most frequented places since the move.  It is crazy the amount of furniture and chachkies you can buy here…and for so much less than in department stores.  For instance, we bought 2 arm chairs for our guest suite and together they cost half the amount of one similar chair that we saw at Crate & Barrel! HomeGoods, you had us at “hello.”

3) Costco – Moving to the ‘ burbs has given us the opportunity to explore another store that rocks our world – Costco!  I remember back in the day, I used to accompany my mother to Sam’s Club to solely sample the free food offered at every aisle.  I won’t lie; I still do that and it certainly adds to my positive review of the place.  But now, we’ve realized that CostCo costs so much less!  Not only that, but you can buy almost everything there.  Garbage can – check!  Memory card – check!  Wild Salmon – check!  Jimmy Dean egg and sausage sandwiches – check!  One less trip to A&P, Home Depot and Best Buy – CHECK!

Please, sir, may I have some more?

4) Cheeze-Its – Surprise, surprise  – cheese has made my favorites list again but this time in a new iteration – Cheeze-Its!  Again, like cheese, I like all varieties of Cheeze-Its.  My favorite is Parmesan.  but I’ve been known to devour the Original flavor in full at times.  I find myself itching for just a handful most days, but ending up eating the rest of the box.  Needless to say, we go through many Cheeze-It boxes in this household.  I like to tell myself that at least the baby is getting her calcium 🙂

5) Ice Cream – Speaking of calcium, nothing tastes better than a big bowl of ice cream.  Any flavor will do, but I like to stick to the classic vanilla bean.  Just recently, I’ve ventured into new territory with fun flavors like Tin Roof Sundae and Mango Surprise, and the Hubs was even nice enough to get me TWO tubs of Nutella which certainly makes my sundae eating experience that much better.  While in Stamford, I also was introduced to Dairy Queen – the creamiest ice cream I’ve ever tasted.  I’m not sure how I missed out on this when I was a kid, but the adult in me is clearly making up for it now.

6) Donuts – Last, but not least, donuts are always a fan favorite.  Again, all flavors work for me as do all brands.  However, I do love me some Krispy Kreme.  In fact, the Hubs – again, in his attempt to fatten me up – once brought me a dozen glazed from Chicago!  And in another donut

There's nothing wrong with being "holed" up!

scenario, I actually walked 2.5 miles in the city to test out the famed Donut Plant on the LES (yes, my thought process was that the walking would help negate the calories of the 6 donutes I “tested”).  While their cake donuts were yummy, I still side with Krispy Kreme.  But hey, I’m not complaining…a donut is a donut and it definitely hit the spot!

Shop ’til you…puke?

9 07 2010

Lately, I’ve found it difficult to shop because I can easily compare myself to big animals.  Some days I feel like Shamu clothed in flip flops and a dress; on a good day, I feel like a penguin, waddling around the desert streets of Manhattan;  and every other day, I envision how big of a pig I will be after our baby is born.  Either way, clothes shopping just doesn’t do it for me anymore.

What I have found fun is shopping for our new baby egg roll.  Initially, I fought an uphill battle.  Since I’ve been around boys all my life, I tended to gravitate towards the adorable boys section every time I hit up a baby store.  On top of that, I am a 1st generation American, meaning my parents were just making ends meet when they first got to the states so cute girly clothing was not really on the priority shopping list.  Instead, I got a lot of boy shorts and tees from my older brother which didn’t help my inclination towards girls clothes.

I’ll tell you the point when I finally embraced that I was having a girl.  It was at a “private sale” for Bloomingdale’s and all of Ralph Lauren was calling my name.  I picked up a dress and thought: “I can actually picture ME in this.”  Essentially, meaning I better get used to the fact that I’m having a girl and buy her some clothes that don’t make me puke…apparently, in baby pink.

This hand-embroidered J&J sweater is on sale for $9.99! Shop at the end of a season for next year so you can get the best deals.

I mean, what is it with baby pink clothing for girls anyway?  What ever happened to reds, greens and purples, people?!  How is baby pink the only way society can figure out that a baby is a girl?!  That said, I put together a list of my favorite brands and stores that I think do a good job at designing girls clothes that aren’t so…well, girly.

1) Janie & Jack – This, by far, is my favorite store.  Sure they have cute-sy dresses, but they’re at least in different colors like aqua, salmon, kelly green, fuchsia (the only pink I do like) and navy blue.  Plus, the workmanship is superb and their designs are a lot more unique.  One stipulation – I would NEVER buy full price at this store (I know, never say “never”).  Wait for the sales…believe me, they’re worth it.

Don't shop at Ralph, go to a Macy's or Bloomy's to get this terry cloth dress on major discount! Remember your coupons!

2) Ralph Lauren – Maybe it’s because we’re moving to Connecticut, but the former east coast prep in me has resurfaced…but this time, in the form of my future baby girl.  I am a fan of Ralph (yes, we’re on a first name basis) because the clothes have fun nautical themes that really are an homage to my husband and his time in the Navy.  As opposed to the kids wearing the ever-present Vineyard Vines or Lily Pullitzer in Connecticut, Ralph has more of a fun, accessible approach to clothes (i.e., it looks good but you can still messy it up VS. “honey, don’t go in the sandbox with your Tori Burch white linen ensemble”).

Sign up for baby newsletters like Zulily to get this double-sided skirt at a fraction of the cost!

3) Right Bank Babies – The practical side of me is in LOVE with the reversible dresses, shirts and skirts they have here.  The styles are simple but they have a funky approach to their patterns and things like balloon skirts (i.e., “Hello, mini me!”).  And obviously, I love their use of dark colors like grey and cappuccino.  After all, mixing and matching for a baby can get expensive, so like adults – if you stick to the basic colors, everything can coordinate easily!

Ummm...excuse me, Kate Quinn...can I get one of these for myself?

4) Kate Quinn Organics – I won’t lie, I don’t give into organics very often.  Since I’ve been pregnant, I just started eating organic food but organic clothing and mattresses may be a step too far for me.  Nevertheless, I’m a sucker for this line more so because it’s good for everyday wear and tear (and we all know babies definitely know how to ruin an outfit) BUT the styles are absolutely adorable…especially their warm-ups, jackets and sweaters.  Put a hoodie on a baby and my heart starts pounding!

5) Old Navy and Gap – Last, but definitely not least, you can’t go wrong with the prices at Old Navy and Gap.  Let’s face it, kids grow out of clothes so quickly, we shouldn’t be purchasing anything over $15/outfit on a baby (and that’s pushing it!).  I consider myself a bargain shopper so although you may think the lines I just listed were expensive, don’t fool yourself.  I got EVERYTHING on sale!  At Old Navy and Gap, you don’t really have to wait for the sales to get a good bargain, but they’re always good stand-bys.

Scary but true, with all of these options, this may now be the beginning of my clothes obsession for our baby girl.  This doesn’t mean you still won’t find our daughter in sports jerseys, but hopefully it helps those who are sick of seeing the same ol’ stuff out there!

Feathering our Nest

8 07 2010

Mama bird finding refuge to raise her offspring. I guess that makes me Big Bird now?


Next Monday, Dad and I finally move into our new place in Connecticut.  Although it’s only a rental, we’re so excited to finally be in a home together and bring you home from the hospital!  No more full size bed and living in the dirty city streets.  No more cramped apartment space and taking smelly cabs and subways.  Hello suburbs!!  It’s been a turbulent couple of months since we moved from LA, but we’re ready to “nest”le and settle in good ol’ Stamford.

It’s true what they say about moms-to-be and their eagerness to nest.  Lately, I’ve been putting together room designs for your nursery and for the rest of our new home.  I’m definitely no Vern Yip or Candice Olson, but I try (thank goodness for the help from HGTV – my new favorite channel!).  It’s fun being a pseudo designer for a few, but honestly, the best  part about moving in is dreaming about what it will be like to live together (and I do mean “live”) in your future nursery.

I came up with a couple of ideas but landed on something that you can grow with rather than grow out of.   That said, I decided to go with a color theme of chartreuse green coupled with a slate gray.  It’s the perfect pairing of me and your Dad – the gray is modern (i.e., Dad likes to sticks to browns, blacks, grays and tans) and the green is bright (i.e., Mom is all about bright colors).  There also will be some whimsical touches like crystal lamps and mirrored tables (this is more me) but also contemporary touches like white furniture and silver accents (this is more daddy).  So now you have a room exclusively designed for you with inspirations from the two people that made you!

I’ve pasted a few examples below…I hope you like it!

This is your Oilo bedding set (Fawn & Forest). We're going to somewhat mirror the pattern with round Asian lanterns hanging from the ceiling and branch-like wall art in gray, green and fuschia.

We bought this pouf (West Elm) so guests can plop down on it when you're small and so you can plop down on it when you're bigger.

Here's a small mirrored accent table that infuses Mom's high-brow taste for Parisian Glamour...haha, who are we kidding!? I bought this from Target.

Inspired by Mom's semester in Sevilla, I bought some small touches that mimic Spanish/Moroccan textiles found throughout the city.

Homeless in Connecticut

8 04 2010

Dad's DeathStar Dream Home (cue: Star Wars score now)

Mom's Connecticut Cape (cue: Leave it to Beaver score now)

Since we’ve moved back to the east coast, the house hunt has heated up.  But to our disappointment, there doesn’t seem to be much out there.  Don’t let anyone tell you that it’s a buyers market right now.  Sure it’s a “buyers market” if you want to inherit a run-down home that fits a small family of 1 (yes, 1) with no reasonably sized furniture and clothing to his/her name.   Oops, there’s a month’s worth of pent up house hunting frustration.  I’ll take that breather now.

Initially, I was convinced that much of the problem was that my Hubs and I couldn’t agree on a style.  He has more modern taste and wants to live on a large property and in a large museum (i.e., contemporary) filled with Bo Concept and Design Within Reach (or what I like to call “Design Out of Reach”) furnishings.  I, on the other hand, want a small home with neighbors close-by; a comfy place where kids can spill juice on the couch and I don’t have a mini heart attack because the couch cost us 2 arms and 2 legs (we’re talking both sets here, people).

Now, I’m just convinced our first dream home is not out there…yet.  And maybe it’s just a matter of repositioning what we envision as our first home?  If we take the word “dream” out of there, I think we could find a bit of a compromise.  As most property virgins find out, expectations  and price points change and we’re learning to appreciate both sides of our POVs in this roller coaster of an experience.

The most important part is that we find a home for our little dumpling.  Who knows?  Maybe we’ll find a healthy mix of what my husband and I BOTH like in Connecticut.  Doubt it, but a girl can dream…can’t she?!